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William J Artman



This R package provides functions for power analysis and the construction of the set of best embedded dynamic treatment regimes (EDTR) using Bayesian multiple comparison with the best (MCB) methodology. This entails the construction of simultaneous one-sided upper credible intervals for the difference between each EDTR’s summary statistic and the best EDTRs. It is designed for binary outcomes in sequential, multiple assignment, randomized trials.

We extend frequentist methods to the Bayesian setting. In particular, one may determine what sample size to enroll in order to achieve a specified power, where power is the probability of excluding inferior embedded dynamic treatment regimes from the set of best.

The set of best consists of EDTRs which are not significantly inferior to the optimal or best embedded dynamic treatment regime (Artman et al. 2020).

The best EDTR is included in the set of best with probability at least 1α.

In this vignette, we outline how the functions may be used together to achieve these goals.

Workflow: analysis

First, run SimDesign1 to simulate a design-1 SMART.

Then, apply PosteriorTrtSeqProb to sample from the posterior of the probabilities of response at each stage.

To obtain draws from the probabilities of response for each of the embedded dynamic treatment regimes (EDTRs), run PosteriorEDTRProbs.

In order to construct the set of best (or equivalently, upper credible interval limits), run MCBUpperLimits.

Simulated data analysis

dat <- SimDesign1(sample_size = 250,
           response_prob = c(0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7),
           stage_one_trt_one_response_prob = 0.7,
           stage_one_trt_two_response_prob = 0.4)

posterior_trt_seq_draws <- PosteriorTrtSeqProb(niter = 10000,
                    design = "design-1")

Convert draws from each treatment sequence to draws from each embedded DTR.

posterior_EDTR_draws <- PosteriorEDTRProbs(posterior_trt_seq_draws)
#> [1] -0.8337268 -0.9920360  0.4241352  0.0000000

Note that EDTRs 1 and 2 are statistically significantly inferior to EDTR 4 whereas EDTR 3 is not.

Power analysis

To see what the log-odds ratios are, run LogOR. Lastly, to compute the power to exclude inferior embedded dynamic treatment regimes (EDTRs) from the set of best (or equivalently, for their upper credible interval to exclude 0), run PowerBayesian.

Compute log-OR of a success.

LogOR(response_prob = c(0.3,0.3,0.3,0.8,0.6,0.7),
      stage_one_trt_one_response_prob = 0.6,
      stage_one_trt_two_response_prob = 0.4,
      design = "design-1")
#>         EDTR 1    EDTR 2     EDTR 3 EDTR 4
#> [1,] -1.893266 -1.893266 -0.2921968      0

Compute power to exclude embedded dynamic treatment regimes 1 and 2. The choice to exclude these embedded dynamic treatment regimes may be based off the values of the log-OR between each EDTR and the best.

power1 <- PowerBayesian("design-1",
              sample_size = 100,
              response_prob = c(0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7),
              stage_one_trt_one_response_prob = 0.6,
              stage_one_trt_two_response_prob = 0.4,
#> [1] 0.8182

Relative risk

To see what the log-relative-risk are, run LogRR. Lastly, to compute the power to exclude inferior embedded dynamic treatment regimes (EDTRs) from the set of best (or equivalently, for their upper credible interval to exclude 0), run PowerBayesian.

Compute log-RR of a success.

LogRR(response_prob = c(0.3,0.3,0.3,0.8,0.6,0.7),
      stage_one_trt_one_response_prob = 0.6,
      stage_one_trt_two_response_prob = 0.4,
      design = "design-1")
#>          EDTR 1     EDTR 2      EDTR 3 EDTR 4
#> [1,] -0.9028677 -0.9028677 -0.08455739      0

Compute power to exclude embedded dynamic treatment regimes 1 and 2. The choice to exclude these embedded dynamic treatment regimes may be based off the values of the log-RR between each EDTR and the best.

power2 <- PowerBayesian("design-1",
              sample_size = 100,
              response_prob = c(0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7),
              stage_one_trt_one_response_prob = 0.6,
              stage_one_trt_two_response_prob = 0.4,
#> [1] 0.9256

Risk difference

To see what the risk difference are, run RD. Lastly, to compute the power to exclude inferior embedded dynamic treatment regimes (EDTRs) from the set of best (or equivalently, for their upper credible interval to exclude 0), run PowerBayesian.

Compute RD of a success.

RD(response_prob = c(0.3,0.3,0.3,0.8,0.6,0.7),
      stage_one_trt_one_response_prob = 0.6,
      stage_one_trt_two_response_prob = 0.4,
      design = "design-1")
#>      EDTR 1 EDTR 2 EDTR 3 EDTR 4
#> [1,]  -0.44  -0.44  -0.06      0

Compute power to exclude embedded dynamic treatment regimes 1 and 2. The choice to exclude these embedded dynamic treatment regimes may be based off the values of the log-RR between each EDTR and the best.

power3 <- PowerBayesian("design-1",
              sample_size = 100,
              response_prob = c(0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7),
              stage_one_trt_one_response_prob = 0.6,
              stage_one_trt_two_response_prob = 0.4,
#> [1] 0.8206

#General SMART To see what the log-odds ratios are, run LogOR. Lastly, to compute the power to exclude inferior embedded dynamic treatment regimes (EDTRs) from the set of best (or equivalently, for their upper credible interval to exclude 0), run PowerBayesian.

Compute log-OR of a success.

LogOR(response_prob = c(0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.7,0.6),
      stage_one_trt_one_response_prob = 0.6,
      stage_one_trt_two_response_prob = 0.4,
      design = "general")
#>         EDTR 1   EDTR 2    EDTR 3    EDTR 4     EDTR 5     EDTR 6 EDTR 7
#> [1,] -1.791759 -1.60107 -1.510592 -1.336846 -0.1840036 -0.4418328      0
#>          EDTR 8
#> [1,] -0.2719337

Compute power to exclude embedded dynamic treatment regimes 1, 2, 3, 4. The choice to exclude these embedded dynamic treatment regimes may be based off the values of the log-OR between each EDTR and the best.

power4 <- PowerBayesian("general",
              sample_size = 250,
              response_prob = c(0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.7,0.6),
              stage_one_trt_one_response_prob = 0.6,
              stage_one_trt_two_response_prob = 0.4,
#> [1] 0.9286

Design-3 SMART

To see what the log-odds ratios are, run LogOR. Lastly, to compute the power to exclude inferior embedded dynamic treatment regimes (EDTRs) from the set of best (or equivalently, for their upper credible interval to exclude 0), run PowerBayesian.

Compute log-OR of a success.

LogOR(response_prob = c(0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.7,0.6,0.9),
      stage_one_trt_one_response_prob = 0.6,
      stage_one_trt_two_response_prob = 0.4,
      stage_one_trt_three_response_prob = 0.7,
      design = "design-3")
#>         EDTR 1    EDTR 2     EDTR 3     EDTR 4     EDTR 5 EDTR 6
#> [1,] -2.305359 -2.097141 -0.9115175 -0.6631313 -0.4444945      0

Compute power to exclude embedded dynamic treatment regimes 1, 2, and 3. The choice to exclude these embedded dynamic treatment regimes may be based off the values of the log-OR between each EDTR and the best.

power5 <- PowerBayesian("design-3",
              sample_size = 250,
              response_prob = c(0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.7,0.6,0.9),
              stage_one_trt_one_response_prob = 0.6,
              stage_one_trt_two_response_prob = 0.4,
              stage_one_trt_three_response_prob = 0.7,
#> [1] 0.4299


Artman, W. J., Ertefaie, A., Lynch, K. G., & McKay, J. R. (2020). Bayesian Set of Best Dynamic Treatment Regimes and Sample Size Determination for SMARTs with Binary Outcomes. arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.02341.