First we load the packages and data:
data_ex <- exfm16
#> # A tibble: 139 × 7
#> strata plot age DH N V B
#> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 1 1 26.4 12.4 1020 19.7 5.7
#> 2 1 1 38.4 17.2 1020 60.8 9.8
#> 3 1 1 51.6 19.1 1020 103. 13.9
#> 4 1 1 63.6 21.8 1020 136. 15.3
#> 5 1 2 26.4 15 900 27.3 6
#> 6 1 2 38.4 20.3 900 80 10.5
#> # ℹ 133 more rows
The objetive of this vignette is to estimate future basal area and volume, using Clutter’s model.
To achieve this, first we need to estimate site. Let’s use Chapman & Richards’ model for this:
This is a non-linear model, thus, we’ll use the
function to fit it, obtain it’s coefficients and
estimate the site using it’s equation and the index age:
We’ll use an index age of 64
index_age <- 64
data_ex <- data_ex %>%
nls_table(DH ~ b0 * (1 - exp( -b1 * age ) )^b2,
mod_start = c( b0=23, b1=0.03, b2 = 1.3),
output = "merge" ) %>%
mutate(S = DH *( ( (1- exp( -b1/age ))^b2 ) /
(( 1 - exp(-b1/index_age))^b2 )) ) %>%
#> strata plot age DH N V B S
#> 1 1 1 26.4 12.4 1020 19.7 5.7 22.48027
#> 2 1 1 38.4 17.2 1020 60.8 9.8 24.24290
#> 3 1 1 51.6 19.1 1020 103.4 13.9 22.07375
#> 4 1 1 63.6 21.8 1020 136.5 15.3 21.89203
#> 5 1 2 26.4 15.0 900 27.3 6.0 27.19388
#> 6 1 2 38.4 20.3 900 80.0 10.5 28.61226
Now that we’ve estimated the site variable, we can fit Clutter’s model:
coefs_clutter <- fit_clutter(data_ex, "age", "DH", "B", "V", "S", "plot")
#> b0 b1 b2 b3 a0 a1
#> 1 1.398861 -28.84038 0.0251075 1.241779 1.883471 0.05012873
Now we can divide the data into classes, and calculate the production for each class with this model:
First, we classfy the data:
data_ex_class <- classify_site(data_ex, "S", 3, "plot")
#> plot site_mean strata age DH N V B S interval category
#> 1 35 21.4510 2 44.4 18.8 740 40.6 6.5 24.0354 25.07877 1
#> 2 35 21.4510 2 55.2 19.1 720 50.4 7.4 21.0958 25.07877 1
#> 3 35 21.4510 2 68.4 20.1 720 62.2 8.5 19.2218 25.07877 1
#> 4 24 22.0728 2 30.0 13.5 1040 24.3 6.0 22.4604 25.07877 1
#> 5 24 22.0728 2 40.8 17.5 1040 54.8 8.9 23.6813 25.07877 1
#> 6 24 22.0728 2 52.8 19.0 1040 76.6 10.9 21.6216 25.07877 1
#> category_
#> 1 Lower
#> 2 Lower
#> 3 Lower
#> 4 Lower
#> 5 Lower
#> 6 Lower
Now, we estimate basal area and volume with the
function. We’ll also calculate the Monthly Mean
Increment (MMI) and Current Monthly Increment (CMI) values.
We input the data, a vector for the desired age range, and the basal area, site classification variables, and a vector with the Clutter function fitted coefficients, created previously:
data_ex_est <- est_clutter(data_ex_class, 20:125,"B", "S", "category_", coefs_clutter)
#> # A tibble: 318 × 10
#> # Groups: category_ [3]
#> category_ Site G_mean Age LN_B2_EST B2_EST V2_EST CMI MMI CMI_MMI
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Lower 23.0 9.13 20 2.21 9.13 26.6 NA 1.33 NA
#> 2 Lower 23.0 9.13 21 2.25 9.48 29.8 3.24 1.42 1.82
#> 3 Lower 23.0 9.13 22 2.28 9.81 33.1 3.30 1.50 1.79
#> 4 Lower 23.0 9.13 23 2.31 10.1 36.4 3.33 1.58 1.75
#> 5 Lower 23.0 9.13 24 2.34 10.4 39.8 3.35 1.66 1.70
#> 6 Lower 23.0 9.13 25 2.37 10.7 43.2 3.36 1.73 1.64
#> # ℹ 312 more rows
We can also create a plot for the technical age of cutting for each class: